Sunday, September 7, 2008

Sept, 7 2008
There was a gorgeus sunset the other night. I love where I live. Jenika and Cutler spent some time with Grandma this week while Rachelle was at school. They are so Cute!!!

Sept. 7, 2008

Yesterday I spent all day painting the old play house. First I had to kill all the hornets and knock the nests down, (yuk!) then I had to get rid of the spider webs, some with spiders (double yuk!). I made Dave get on the ladder for the top window and eaves. It looks much better. It has turned into my Christmas storage in the loft and my garden center in the bottom. I listened to my Ipod the whole time to a new book called "The Holy Secret" It was so good. Lots of new insights to the scriptures, the Sabbath day, the Temple, and our responsibility. I loved it and realize more and more how much I don't know.


Luke and Casey Jackson said...

Hey mom--
The playhouse looks so good. What a Job! You never stop do you, How will I ever catch up to you?
love ya---Casey

The Bosh's said...

That is one good lookin' playhouse! The kids aren't too bad either! and you are right - you live in a great place! That is a beautiful sunset! I love seeing all of your pics on here! Thanks!

Griffin and Whitney McNabb said...

looks great mom! wish i was there to help you out:) love you!